PTA Update Feb ‘25

After a brilliant Breakfast With Santa Event before Christmas, we’ve hit the ground running this year with a fresh new Committee and a successful first bake sale! We’re busy making exciting plans for the year and helping the school. Read on to find out more…

Breakfast With Santa

Our Breakfast With Santa event at Christmas was an all round hit, raising £558.55 and bringing Christmas cheer! Thank you so much to all the parents who helped out, we’re looking forward to do it again (and even better!) this year.

We raised £558 and plenty of Christmas cheer!

Committee Update

At our Annual General Meeting in January we elected a fresh new committee. Our new Chair, Becky Cocker, is joined by Mike Jackson as Treasurer and Sarah Longley as Secretary. We are supported by an invaluable group of PTA members who we need to make things happen and we welcome new volunteers at any time into our warm and friendly team!

Please get in touch via the contact form (or grab one of us at pick up!) if you would like to ask any questions about anything we’re doing or how you can help.

Valentine’s Day Bake Sale

Our first event of this year was the Valentine’s Day Bake Sale. A wonderful array of delicious cakes were donated by kind parents and we raised a fabulous £167!

Supporting the School

We’ve been talking to the school about things that we can help with. One of the big priorities for the year is to make the school field fully usable again and we are working with contractors to improve drainage. More updates to come soon!

We’ve agreed to provide funds for additional reading books with a budget of £600 (£150 per class). The PTA has received two incredibly generous donations towards this from parents with local businesses - a huge thank you to Sarah and Will at Sorwest and to Jools and Russel at Ivyleaf Coombe Lodges who both donated £250!

Upcoming Events

World Book Day Pre-Loved Book Sale & Tuck Shop, Fri 7th March

Join us for our next event on Friday 7th March 2025 - a pre-loved book sale and tuck shop to celebrate World Book Day! Book donations are invited.

Click here to see the event details

Movie Night! Fri 21st March

Join us for popcorn, hot dogs and our first Movie Night of the year. Details of the awesome flick to follow!

Click here to see the event details

Thanks for reading and watch this space for the next update!

Becky, Sarah and Mike and the PTA team x